Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 8: Starting ARW1

Okay, I'm still in the process of updating my category notes (which are insane and I want to implement them into my actual project!!) but now IN CLASS we're moving on the the ARW.

This week we're determining purpose, identifying audience, thinking about length and scope of the project, and preparing the Big Three (topic, question, working thesis).

I'm so excited! I currently have this for my Big Three: it will change this week, but it's what I'm jumping off of.

1. Topic: Advertising's Image of Women

2. Question: What is the cause of the shift? When did advertising go from harmless to harmful? Or did it ever switch? Has it always been like that? If so, what was the impetus for it getting worse?


3. Thesis

As you can see, not much to go on, but just enough to keep the wheels turning. I feel guilty that I'm not as diligent about posting as I really want to be (darn I need a mac laptop) but I'm just so excited about this SYP :D

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