Monday, February 13, 2012

Transitioning again. Class notes from before.


I presented my wiki today! And when I say wiki, I mean this blog! I also finally got around to changing the link on the SYP homepage link to read the url for this blog's homepage. Now my wiki is just a page out there and the picture it has on it is already on my inspiration page. I'll just phase the wiki out. At least I got a cool name out of it :)

Okay, we didn't just present to show off how technologically savvy we are (and I'm not, believe me). We did +deltas for ours as well. From what I've gathered, my classmates like the setup and find it easy to read. They say it is written with the reader in mind (I hope so!) not overwhelmingly casual (yo) but not overly formal either (ahem). One suggestion I did receive, however, was that I could consolidate the inspiration page with my original proposal page. While I personally don't think that that is the right duo, I agree that potentially, the inspiration page would be better under a different tab. However, I think that the inspiration page is a great place for quick notes.

Another note I got was that I have to put more info on the wiki. Not that it's lacking compared to others or even where we're supposed to be, just that I know so much already (from reading and personal experience) and no one knows that I know it!! Except my classmates. I spent five minutes ranting about Barbie and the media and Photoshopping models. Hmm... I should get going on that! Maybe I should have a general notes page or maybe it should go under my artifacts page. I will need a page for "annotated artifacts" and bibliography at some point, but all in good time. But I have to get what I know up here. As well as my notes on the documentary I watched. Oh yeah!!

Okay so Wednesday (2/1) I watched Jean Kilbourne's documentary Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's Image of Women and it was fascinating!!! It was even so interesting that three on my classmates tuned in over my shoulder. I put the subtitles on and we all watched it together-- we should have gotten permission to use the media watch room!! But seriously, it was incredible. Jean Kilbourne apparently has been in this field of study for ages. She even happened into it... she never thought it would be her career or what she did for any length of time. She used to collect ads that she found interesting... and started noticing patterns! Okay, before I go off on a crazy rant, I should put these thoughts and notes (because I should watch it again) in the artifacts page. WHOO!!

We spent the entire block working on web design. You may not notice it now, but I switched a ton of stuff around. This entire page used to be on the home page. Unfortunately, these external pages don't have the actual blog formatting that I'd prefer (the homepage is the only one that does and that's the place where, ironically, I don't need it!). It's okay, though. I still like this formatting better than wikispaces and without the blogging format, it's still fine. Exactly like wikispaces, actually. There are a lot of pages I am required to have that I don't have anything on yet (that irks me, but it will come in good time).

Behold, my blog is really taking off!!

We looked at specific wikis and ripped them apart with +deltas!!! It was very entertaining. I chose Mercer's wiki from last year. Her project was incredible!!! About Latin American studies and the American teenager. As a Latina I think this is great!!

Here's a link to here page: 


Today we looked a lot at previous SYS's wikis and did some +deltas. Some of the wikis are incredible! I need to go back and look at them in greater detail and then add pages to this blog accordingly. I also want to make a page of just "cool and inspirational stuff" where I can brain-dump. I can add stuff from websites that I can go back to, books I heard about in passing or was referred to, pinterest, tumblr, facebook, etc. stuff. Pictures and videos.

I sent myself a bunch of e-mails (probably not the most efficient way to take notes) because I wasn't sure how to write it all here. But I shall, because that is the point.
Here are some exemplary wikis that I should go back to: on nature deficit disorder on environmental art on oral histories; New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina

Chinosi also mentioned in passing that is a good resource for "publishing" books. It'd be really cool to make a book about my paper including my photographs. That would be epic!!! Though I also want to have a formal gallery. At home? Maybe at the library? School?? EXCITED!!!

I'm really excited by the fact that I am so excited about my SYP :D It's such a daunting project, so huge and so much depends on passing, etc. but I'm just so psyched about it, I'm so ready to "dig".

Also, for all the artifacts (like the ones that aren't web sources), research them online as well. There is a lot there in text that's not otherwise on the big screen.

Just got a graphic up on the homepage. Hope I can get one of my own up there sometime :)  



Spent class watching a TED video, Steven Johnson's presentation on Where Great Ideas Come From. He also has authored a book by the same name. It was interesting... He really had his artifacts down and analyzed them. He talked about the "liquid network" and how great ideas happen usually happen idea parts are shared. Then there can be a collaboration (as opposed to group think which is a group trying to act as an individual... ehh)

Recommended I look up a TED talk related to my subject, it might be out there.

Also, scour previous SYP topics to see if there is anything related-- connect with a previous SYS (Senior Year Scholar).

I have officially dropped Phil. Lit. (aww!) and am all set for SYP.

Artifacts so far

  • Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Souls of Adolescent Girls by Mary Pipher
  • Killing Us Softly (Documentary Series) by Jean Kilbourne
My blog (right here!) is up and running, as is my wiki: 

I really want a laptop. A good one, I mean. I need to get one for college... Why not snag it just a few months early?? A Macbook Pro would be great. I'd use it all the time. It'd be super convenient just to type in my SYP notes on the laptop, straight to this blog. Much more thorough as well. I type faster than I write with a pen. Also it'd be great for Pippin!

What are potential artifacts? Where can you gather knowledge? What can be sources?
  • Dictionary
  • Magazines
  • Books
  • Documentaries
  • Videos
  • National Hispanic Institute
  • Personal Knowledge
  • Personal Beliefs and Emotions
  • Photography Galleries
  • Interviews
  • Transcripts
  • Experts of the Field
My reader is McGrath. Sweet!

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